I am finally going to show ya'll the projects that I made at Convention earlier this month...I know, I 've been back from Denver for over THREE weeks and I haven't posted them yet, but there is a reason...it's because I didn't finish them at Convention like most people did...If I had the stuff to finish the project at home, then I just set it aside to do later...have I told ya'll that I like to procrastonate??? Yes, I admit it I wait 'til the last minute to do most things...so here is a photo of the finished Convention projects...
Now onto something else I was procrastonating about...as you read I won one of Stampin' Up!s August Contests...and I had to send in a photo of myself with a couple of tips for making the card...I won't bore you with the tips that I sent in about the card, but I thought you might like to see my bright and smiling face...so here is the photo that I sent it...they are printed in black and white, so I went ahead and cropped it down to where "I" wanted the photo to be, and changed it to black and white...it had to be there today by 5:00pm...so I sent it in this morning, right before I walked out the door to go to work...So here I am...YEP...I'm finally gonna be FAMOUS!!!
Now to the last thing I am going to post today...Here is something that I saw recently, have no clue where, but I thought that it was "Stinkin' Cute!!" so I made me one...I had to add the photo of Reilly so that ya'll would know what it was...Kirk was like "HUH???" when I showed it to him with NO photo...so...isn't it CUTE!!! I can't wait to make some of these for Christmas...

So, I hope that you liked the things that I had to show ya'll today...keep checking back, 'cause I will have more stuff posted tomorrow...I have it stamped and all ready...I promise...