Monday, July 13, 2009

Lookie Here...I posted something new!

I have set a REMINDER in my Outlook to do this every Sunday...SO...Hopefully you will be seeing more cards and stuff over the NEXT few months then you have in the LAST few months...

Here are some photos that I took of Kaitlyn and her boyfriend Luis just before their Junior Prom in May.

Here is my favorite photo of just Kaitlyn...

And here is the crafty goodness that you look at my blog for...Here is her corsage that Luis got her...she set it aside for about a month and let the flowers dry and I had this old frame just sitting around...all I need to do is add a photo of them once I get it printed...I will post an update once that is done...I think it turned out really cute and Kaitlyn really likes it too...

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